Allantoin in Skin Care - An Overview
Allantoin is a naturally occurring compound that has been used in skin care products for centuries. It is found in a variety of plants, including comfrey and chamomile, and it has many beneficial properties for the skin. But how exactly is allantoin made? And what benefits does it offer to users? Let’s explore this versatile compound to answer these questions.
Synthetic allantoin can be produced from either urea or uric acid. Urea is often used as a source material because it is widely available, relatively inexpensive, and easy to produce on an industrial scale. The process involves reacting urea with ammonia and carbon dioxide under high pressure and temperatures in the presence of catalysts like sulfuric acid or hydrogen peroxide. This results in a mixture of ammonium salts that are then treated with sodium hydroxide to yield allantoin product.
Allantoin offers numerous benefits for skin care applications, which is why it’s so popularly used in cosmetics products. It can help reduce irritation caused by skin conditions like acne and psoriasis, as well as dryness associated with aging and sun exposure. Additionally, allantoin helps keep pores clear by removing dead cells from the surface layer of the skin while simultaneously promoting the growth of healthy new cells underneath. It also acts as an emollient—a substance that helps moisturize the skin—leaving users feeling softer and smoother after use. Finally, due to its antimicrobial properties, allantoin can also help protect against bacterial infections on the skin.
In conclusion, allantoin is an effective agent for treating a variety of skin conditions and ailments while also helping maintain overall health and wellness of the user’s complexion. Its broad range of benefits includes reducing inflammation and irritation; providing moisture; promoting healthy cell growth; removing dead cells; and protecting against bacterial infections. What’s more, synthetic allantoin can be easily manufactured from urea or uric acid on an industrial scale at low cost making it a popular choice among scientists looking to develop effective skincare formulations.